Tell congress we want a prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part B

  • by: Dennis Baer
  • recipient: Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, House of Representatives
We the undersigned demand a prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part B enacted by congress and the president.
We the undersigned demand congress and the president enact a prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part B which covers 80 percent of medication cost, with no extra premium, no extra deductibles, no means test and no coverage gaps or else we will not purchase products from the CVS, Eckerd, and Walgreens pharmacy chains. We make no statement of the quality of products sold by these pharmacy chains.
We pledge to Call Eckerd Pharmacy Corporate Headquarters at 800 325 3737, Call CVS Pharmacy Corporate headquarters at 888 607 4287 and Call Walgreens Pharmacy Corporate headquarters at 800 289 2273 and tell them we will not purchase any products from their drug stores but will patronize them in the future if they can get the congress to pass a prescription drug benefit as described above. If a person cannot stop buying medications from the three drug store chains, I consider it acceptible to buy your medication from one of the chains but still refrain from buying other products from their drug stores.

We also call for the complete repeal of the faulty
Medicare law HR 1 / S 1
passed by congress in Nov 2003.
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