Urge Alabama Legislators to Be Quick in Implementing Animal Abuse Registry

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Alabama State Legislators

Animal abuse and cruelty seems to be an uncontrollable problem nationwide and some states have been taking measures to further protect animals from becoming statistics.  Just as most states have a sex offender’s registry to keep tabs one such criminals, proposing an animal abuse and cruelty registry would be a giant step in saving animals. It appears that Tennessee is one of the first states to implement such a registry and Alabama has expressed the need for stopping animal cruelty state and nationwide.

Animal abuse can easily lead to violence against humans and studies have shown that anyone who commits a crime against an animal is one of the worst type of person with little regard for life and humanity.  I think most of us who are horrifically affected by animal cruelty agree that abusers of these defenseless creatures have little respect or kindness for them or anyone else including their neighbors, friends and peers. Read some information about Alabama animal abuse at http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/11/alabama_overcoming_limited_bre.html http://www.worldanimalnews.com/content.php?content_ID=478

An animal abuse and cruelty registry is a step in the right direction to protect animals against any repeat abuse and cruelty.  Such a registry can also be an informative document that could keep a potential animal out of the wrong hands.  Our efforts in this petition is to encourage Alabama to follow through with their original thoughts of creating an animal abuse and cruelty registry that would require anyone of any type of animal abuse be fully registered.  The hope is that each state will implement such a registry until we can move forward with a national registry so that all states can share in information and protect all those without a voice throughout our country.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition. 

Alabama State Legislators – An animal abuse & cruelty registry would be important in helping to protect all animals throughout your state of Alabama.  You have given some thought to implementing such a criminal registry, one that is similar in stature and effectiveness as that of a sex offender.  Those people who feel it is acceptable to harm an animal have no respect or regard for life and humanity.  An animal cruelty registry would stop repeat cruelty and also help prevent possible abuse in owning or caring for those without a voice.  People that are on an animal cruelty registry should be prevented from any future lifetime interactions or ownership of any animals.

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