Support Obama's Balanced Approach to Middle East Peace

The status quo in the Middle East is unsustainable - for Israel, for the Palestinians, and for the United States. Yet some in Congress are trying to undermine President Obama's balanced approach to solving the region's problems.
Defenders of the unworkable status quo are whispering to the White House and Congress that supporting the President's thoughtful and balanced approach to the Middle East could hurt them politically.
Jewish-Americans, as well as Americans more broadly, must stand up to support President Obama's sensible pro-Israel policy in the Middle East.
They're saying that President Obama should only press the Palestinians or Arab States. Of course, Palestinians and Arab states should do more for peace - but so should Israel, specifically by heeding his Administration's call to stop building settlements.
J Street, a new Jewish-led pro-Israel, pro-peace lobby, supports President Obama's balanced and strong American leadership to achieve a two-state solution, because that's the only way to secure Israel's future as a Jewish, democratic homeland and to create a homeland for the Palestinian people. A two-state solution is also a vital American interest.
Your representatives in Congress need to hear from the majority of Jewish Americans and Americans generally who support Israel and the President's balanced approach, including his call for a complete freeze on Israeli settlements.
I am writing to urge your support for President Obama's balanced approach to the Middle East.
We need strong American leadership to finally bring the Arab-Israeli conflict to an end, and the way to do that is by facilitating a two-state solution that provides for Israel's security and statehood for the Palestinians, as well as a broader regional normalization with Arab states.
I strongly believe that President Obama's approach is our best hope for reaching that goal, because a two-state solution is the only way to secure Israel's future as a Jewish, democratic homeland and create a homeland for the Palestinian people.
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Real peace and security demands that all the parties move forward together through strong U.S. leadership.
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