Consumer Reports' readers rate AT&T as the worst wireless provider in the nation, ranking dead last in every category -- dropped calls and voice quality, email and Internet, even customer service.
Yet the FCC is seriously considering allowing AT&T to swallow competitor T-Mobile, and control more Americans' cell phones than any other company.
Join us in opposing this bad merger by signing our petition below. And if you are an AT&T customer unsatisfied with your service, add your personal comments!
Right now, T-Mobile offers service plans that are on average $50 less per month than comparable AT&T plans. And AT&T customers are also consistently less satisfied with their service. Why would we want to make AT&T the largest wireless company with that record?
Help us reach our goal of 25,000 signatures against this merger. Sign on now!
Dear [Decision Maker],
More competition in the wireless market means more innovation, lower prices and better service for consumers like me. That is why I urge you to reject AT&T's takeover of competitor T-Mobile. This mega-merger will leave only two companies controlling 80 percent of the wireless market (AT&T and Verizon), and leave me with little to no choice when I want to shop around for wireless service.
If AT&T and T-Mobile are allowed to merge, I expect both service and pricing to suffer. And with AT&T controlling some 130 million customers, its huge market share will allow it to block innovations on its networks from other wireless competitors.
AT&T was recently rated the worst wireless provider in a Consumer Reports survey, and T-Mobile was not far behind. In fact, AT&T was ranked the worst in every category, from dropped calls, to data plans to customer service. Combining two big companies that already provide poor service into one giant company mean consumers will ultimately suffer.
T-Mobile also charges less than the other major competitors for several of its plans. If this merger is allowed, it's more than likely that T-Mobile customer will see their rates get jacked up to the levels that AT&T charges once their contracts expire. That's not fair.
Your job is to ensure a competitive, fair and innovative wireless market for American consumers. The FCC failed last year to find that the current wireless market was competitive; this merger will make that situation much worse. Please reject the AT&T takeover of T-Mobile, and support an open, fair and competitive wireless marketplace.