Innocent Young Man is Wrongly Accused

On November 29th, 2004, my husband’s ex-wife filed a criminal complaint accusing my 18 year old son of unlawful sexual contact with my step-daughter (who is now 13 years old). On the same day, my husband's ex-wife filed a motion to restrict my husband’s parenting time which meant that he couldn’t have any contact with either of his children. Importantly, my husband's ex-wife never called my husband to share these concerns and, most importantly, she did not talk to her daughter about any of this before going to the police.

The story goes...My step-daughter and her friend were in a hot tub together and my step-daughter told her friend that her step-brothers had touched her and she did not provide any other details. The friend wrote this comment in her diary, her mother read her diary,  and the mother eventually called my husband's ex-wife.

Before talking to either of the girls, the mothers went to the police. Later in the day, the two mothers went to school, picked up the girls, and brought them to the friend's home where the girls were confronted together. Two days later, the girls went to the police to give their statements.

My son turned 18 years old one week before my husband's ex-wife went to the police and has been charged as an adult which means his situation is extremely serious. If convicted, he faces a mandatory sentence of 10 years to life. Also, in all of the alleged incidents that my step-daughter describes, both my husband and I were present, as well as other children. In one incident, she claims my son tried to touch her while six of us were driving in a van for approximately 45 minutes and she and my son were in the middle seats that were captain's chairs.  

So how do we know that all of the these are false allegations? My son passed his polygraph and he has a "clean" Pyscho-Sexual Evaluation which is basically an extremely thorough evaluation that measures his propensity to engage in any of these behaviors. Not surprisingly, the evaluator determined that he is a perfectly normal young man.

Also, my husband has supported my son from the beginning and believes that his daughter is lying about all of this. My husband's family also supports my son and does not believe this girl. Clearly it has been extremely difficult for my husband and his family to take this position, but unfortunately my step-daughter's credibility is questioned because they know her so well. 

Other facts: My step-daughter has never had a polygraph and has never been through any kind of mental health evaluation. Her mother has continued to wage her legal battle against us and we have had to defend ourselves against so many allegations of physical abuse, emotional abuse as well as the sexual abuse. And she doesn’t stop…our legal bills are astronomical and our lives are in constant turmoil. My husband no longer has any contact with his daughter because she and her mother went to the police this summer to try to have him arrested for “tampering with a witness’ because he told his daughter that my son had passed a polygraph.

For my son, this nightmare has been going on for more than a year and it is truly amazing that he has stayed focused on his goals and has not allowed this to destroy him. Last year, during his second semester of his senior year, he was forced to stay out of school for 7 weeks and still did remarkably well and graduated in May. He then received a full Army ROTC scholarship to St.Louis University and has just completed his first semester with a 3.3 GPA, upheld his rigorous ROTC commitment, played rugby and pledged a fraternity.

Now, we face his trial, starting at the end of January. I'm asking for your support. Please let Carol Chambers, the Arapahoe County District Attorney, know that these allegations are false and that this young man has suffered enough from a system that has treated him unfairly. Someone needs to dig deeper and insist that my step-daughter go through the rigorous evaluations that my son has endured. At the end of the day, this situation is a result of a very nastly post-divorce legal battle and my son is an innocent victim. Thank you!

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