Tell Congress to Ban Horse Slaughter

While horses are no longer killed in the United States for consumption, hundreds of thousands of horses continue to be shipped across borders for slaughter. And explicit laws banning horse slaughter in the U.S. still don't exist.

Over 100,000 horses are exported for slaughter each year. These poor horses are brutally killed after being transported in trailers for miles on end without proper food or water. Horse slaughter is inhumane and we must act now to stop it.

There's good reason that we no longer kill horses for meat in the U.S. — not only is horse slaughter inhumane, but it's also terrible for the environment and it can be unsafe to consume horse meat. Often the horses designated for slaughter were horses for sport, and can be positive for dangerous drugs.

That's why the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act was introduced. The SAFE Act aims to end horse slaughter in the U.S. and stop the export of horses to be killed for consumption abroad.

Please sign the petition to ask your representatives to co-sponsor the SAFE Act. With enough support from animal lovers like you and me, we can protect horses from slaughter once and for all.
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