Tell Lawmakers: Invest in the San Francisco Bay Area
- by: Save the Bay
- recipient: Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-OH), Chair of the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee
The vibrant San Francisco Bay urgently needs funding to restore wetland habitat. Wetlands improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and provide natural flood protection to our shoreline communities, many of which are below sea level.
Scientists agree that the Bay Area needs 100,000 acres of healthy wetlands to thrive. If we get the funding we need right now, we can double our current wetlands within the next few decades, which would bring us very close to the required acreage.
The San Francisco Bay Area has consistently been short-changed by the federal government. Decision-makers are currently considering HR843 -- The San Francisco Bay Restoration Act. This legislation would fund the improvement of current wetlands and expand them, which in turn would create local jobs, increase critical wildlife habitat, and provide flood protection to our communities.
Sign this petition and urge our decision-makers to support the San Francisco Bay Restoration Act.
Dear [Decision-maker],
I am concerned that the San Francisco Bay has consistently received disproportionately low federal investment compared to other significant bodies of water that are key to our national environment and economy. While last year's budget included $300 million for the Great Lakes, $60 million for Chesapeake Bay, and $30 million for Puget Sound, the SF Bay received less than $6 million -- and this year’s budget proposals include even less.
San Francisco Bay is more than just a pretty view. It is a world-class treasure, a unique urban landscape, a rich natural resource, and the heart of our region's vibrant economy and quality of life.
The San Francisco Bay Restoration Act will create local jobs, improve water quality, increase habitat for hundreds of species of wildlife, and provide natural flood protection to our shoreline communities. We need this investment.
[Your comments will be inserted here.]
Please invest in my community -- Support the San Francisco Bay Restoration Act (H.R. 843).
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