Tell Google to stop going through your email to sell ads

  • by:
  • recipient: Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google
Google earns money by violating your privacy. They go through every word of your personal Gmail so they can target you with ads.

Every word of every email. Even the most private ones, like messages about relationships, health care, finances, and more. Do you feel violated yet?

Even if you don't use Gmail, Google will still go through emails you send to Gmail addresses in order to sell ads -- despite you never having agreed to their terms of service. There is absolutely no way to opt out, whether you use Gmail or not.

It's time to take back your privacy. Sign this petition and tell Google to stop going through your emails to sell ads.
Dear Eric Schmidt,

Going through every word of our personal emails to target and sell ads is inexcusable. While we understand that generating advertising revenue is important, that does not make it OK to violate our privacy. And to make it worse, there's not even a way to opt out.

What we write in our emails is our business. It's time to end this intrusive practice.

Please stop reading the contents of our Gmail to sell ads.

[Your comments here]


[Your name here]

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