Stop Senseless Seal Killings For Their FURS

  • by: Rainier Felixus
  • recipient: Canada's Prime Minister and The Canadian Government

Hundreds and thousands of seals are killed for their furs. The equipment used is horrifying and the methods are extremely violent!! International laws, treaties, and animal protection acts are heavily involved in banning such gruesome ways and acts, however, we must tell the Canadian Government to step up and SAY NO MORE TO of these gruesome acts towards HELPLESS SEALS. Seal hunting dated back at least 4,000 years ago due to the necessity to feed families and individuals. Seal hunting is currently still practiced by the Native Americans, First Nations and other groups for food (due to lack of other food sources, access, and availability but as well to help their families' basic needs) but not for murder! There's a difference between hunting one or two seals for food to feed your families and your community versus hunting and killing hundreds and thousands of seals for fashion and commercial profit and one's past time—that's unacceptable! I propose for better laws & regulations regarding the annual commercial mass seal hunting, please sign this petition! Thank you for caring and your time.

Update #23 years ago
Compassion to those that need our help is a vital part of a strong foundation to bridge and lend hope to all

We have such amazing human beings that signed this petition!

Thank you so much
Update #16 years ago
2019 is here! Let's try to get the word out! Please keep sharing. Thank you.
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