Rodeos Are Extremely Cruel and Should Be Banned. Sign Now!
- by: Care2 Team
- recipient: Prime Minister : Jacinda Ardern
It's time to end rodeos in New Zealand. That's what many are saying as rodeo season in the island nation starts again. Hundreds of people have gathered at local rodeos around the country to protest the sport's cruelty and abuse towards the animals required to perform.
Join them in their protests. Add your voice by signing the petition and demanding that New Zealand ban rodeos on a national level!
For the riders and the spectators, rodeos are just a fun game. But for horses and cows, it seems like a matter of life and death. They are prey animals, so when they feel another living being on their backs, they can only imagine that their lives are in danger. Imagine that feeling - would you want another living being to feel that, day after day?
For those animals that don't cooperate, rodeo riders use various tools to get them to buck and put on a good, entertaining show. They may prod them with an electric shocker to provoke a buck, poke them with spurs, or fit them with "flank straps" - a rope tied tightly around the animals' abdomen.
If handlers and riders need all these horrible tools just to make an animal jump, that should tell you that it is not a great experience for the animal.
But even worse than the pain they endure, some rodeo animals never make it out alive. This sport is cruel and should be outlawed. It's just that simple.
Tell New Zealand that there is no reason to abuse animals. Sign the petition and ask for the sport to be banned nationally.
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