BPCC P.E.A.R.L. Pledge for Marine Conservation


Inspired by their passion for the ocean, 16-year-old identical twins Kamaura & Jasmine Taylor founded the Black Pearl Conservation Crew (BPCC) with a simple yet powerful aim: to protect marine ecosystems and to empower Black youth as ocean conservation ambassadors. In an industry where only 2.3% of Marine Biologists are Black, BPCC strives to forge a path for Black youth to excel, envisioning a future with universal access to key information and resources.

BPCC was founded in Los Angeles, CA, currently one of the largest areas affected by ocean pollution. Each year, the number of marine species affected by pollution goes up by 20%, the majority of these cases found off the coast of Southern California [Source: Ocean Conservation Trust]. This isn't just a matter of marine life, it impacts us all. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods [Source: United Nations].

Now more than ever, we need community consciousness to inspire change and protect our marine ecosystems. The future of our oceans, our wildlife, and our communities depends on it.

Through this petition, we are asking for your support to reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. Your signature is a pledge to our cause, the protection of our precious marine ecosystems and to the education of the Black youth in ocean conservation. Lend your voice to our cause, and help us inspire generations of change. Sign this pledge today.

P.E.A.R.L. Pledge

P - Promote Education: We will deepen our understanding of marine conservation issues and share our knowledge with our communities to raise awareness.

E - Empower: We will inspire and support each other to take leadership roles in environmental stewardship, leveraging our unique perspectives as Black youth.

A - Advocate: We will advocate for policies and practices that promote sustainable use of marine resources and protect marine habitats.

R - Restore: We will actively participate in conservation efforts, whether through beach clean-ups, wildlife protection initiatives, or community engagement activities.

L - Lead: We will lead by example, embodying the values of hope, healing, and responsibility towards our oceans and marine life.

Together, we pledge to make a positive impact on our oceans and leave a legacy of environmental stewardship for generations to come.


If you would like to link arms with Kamaura and Jasmine to establish this much needed organization, make a seed funding gift today! Every dollar counts!



Kamaura and Jasmine Taylor, identical twin sisters and marine conservationists. Their story began in their early childhood, where they both developed a profound love for animals and the ocean.

For Kamaura, it was the captivating allure of marine animals that sparked her interest, leading her to immerse herself in marine science from a young age. She dedicated countless hours to educational programs, volunteer work at aquariums, and attending marine science camps and conferences. Her journey was a continuous exploration, enriched by hands-on experiences that deepened her understanding and passion for marine conservation.

Jasmine's journey took shape through a transformative kayaking experience, where she encountered a distressed seal. This encounter ignited her determination to be a voice for marine animals in need. Jasmine's commitment to conservation extended beyond her personal endeavors; she actively engaged in marine mammal rescue, community outreach and community education, setting an example of dedication and advocacy.

Their path led them through internships at renowned institutions like the USC Wrigley Institute, where they honed their skills in marine research and biology studies on Catalina Island. They were awarded scholarships to attend the Girls In Ocean Science Conference at the Ocean Institute, and received their first internship through a competitive process at the Aquarium of the Pacific at age 13. Through the E.E. Just Marine Science Program at Bridge Builders Foundation, Jasmine & Kamaura were selected to participate in the Marine Science Camp at the California State University, Monterey Bay/Scripps Institution of Oceanography in partnership with the Monterey Aquarium and Stanford University. The twins currently intern at the Marine Mammal Care Center, leading educational tours about animal rescue and rehabilitation and are rising Juniors in high school. They reside in Marina Del Rey, CA with their parents, 4 siblings and dogs, Rosey & Posey.

www.blackpearlcc.org | info@blackpearlcc.org

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