Call Vermont Legislature To Convene REFERENDUM Convention On Independence / 2nd Vermont Republic

Resolved: That the 21st century's United States is no longer a functioning republic, but a dysfunctional Empire unable to respond to the needs and concerns of its own citizens, the health of our global commons, and the well-being of our shared planet.

Resolved: That 240 years ago this month (January 1777), the hearty inhabitants of the Green Mountains declared themselves to be the independent and sovereign republic of Vermont, free to govern their own affairs and determine their own destiny...

We the undersigned petitioners call upon the elected representatives of the Vermont state legislature to convene a special statewide REFERENDUM CONVENTION in the Montpelier, Vermont Statehouse to debate and then vote on this question:

"Shall the state of Vermont peacefully withdraw from the United States and declare itself an independent republic, as it was from 1777-1791?"

Update #57 years ago
Well-done, 2VR petition signers! We're now at 105 signatures! Keep sharing through your networks! Bless the 2VR!
Update #47 years ago
Hello 2VR supporters! We are closing in on our first 100 signatures. Please pass on our petition to your friends and neighbors. Free Vermont!
Update #38 years ago
Closing in on 100 signatures for an independent Vermont, signers! Please continue to share the url. Long live the 2VR!
Update #28 years ago
WEEKLY UPDATE->Thanks for signing our 2VR petition! 82 signatures now. Please email url to yer networks->
Update #18 years ago
Hello, 2VR petitioners! Thanks for signing our 2VR petition! We'd like to thank you with a Plan 'V' 2VR sticker. Email "" FV! Rob
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