Demand STRONG penalties for animal cruelty in australia

Just this week in Western Australia alone, a woman was ONLY given one year community work, banned 20 years from owning an animal and $1083.12 in fines. For leaving two dogs that had to be euthanised as they were so badly suffering.
And morris a Yorkshire terrier had a broken back leg and Mr Visser administered human pain relief before wrapping him in a towel and pillow case placing him in water in an attempt to drown him and then burying him in the garden without first checking if he had died. He was fined $10,000. WHAT?? Cmon we need severe punishment here poor babies :(

Update #29 years ago
Thank you everyone who signed this petition unfortunately we didn't make the goal. So many people seem to want to change laws desperately but just won't sign it's sad

I'll keep trying .....
Update #19 years ago
cmon everyone we only have 257 sigs, thank you to those that have already signed. this is important. the more pressure we give one day it HAS to have an impact.
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