The New York Kill Shelters are run by greedy Administrators that care only about their wealth. They do not care about the poor dogs and cats that are ill treated. The only kindness is shown by volunteers. The Adminastrators need sacked the kill shelters need closed. Shelters should be banned and only rescues should remain. The Rescues should be supported as they are the ones that Rescue Foster Adopt and care properly for the welfare of the cats and dogs. I want to see the rescues supported to ensure the kill shelters get closed.
Please help me get these kill shelters closed. I want to see the end of all suffering in cats and dogs. They all deserve love,warmth,kindness,a warm bed, walkies,fun and big hugs. Please help me stop the poor wee frightened souls that are cages, more often lying on a cold bare floor, uncared for even though unwell. Just to get garaged down a hall to get murdered for no reason except being a stray or worse still being cast away by some undeserving owner.
Dear President Obama,
i am just an ordinary person living in the U.K. I came across horrific photos on a app called Pinterest. People pin pictures onto little boards that interest them. I came across horrific photos of wee dogs and cats. Living in the most cold and uncared for conditions. Many are putting the blame on a woman called Risa Weinstock. Although there are other Administrators that are also guilty of poor conditions and treatment of animals
These administrators need to be dismissed and never be allowed to work with any animals ever in there lifetime again. All shelters should be No Kill. Like here in the U.K. I would gratefully appreciate your help in this matter that is upsetting so many people in your country and in other countries too who witness this everyday because we love dogs and cats. As we regard them as family! Please bring into being a law to end these kill shelters completely, and help The many decent rescues instead.
yours sincerely,
Bree Tait. B.A. Hons.
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