Robin Speronis of Cape Coral, Florida lived in the woods for seven months and learned how to live off the grid in a sanitary, ecologically friendly way. She lives without running water or electricity, and collects rainwater for washing and gardening. She uses a special toilet and disposes of her waste as pet owners dispose of animal waste.
Last week, a magistrate ruled that Speronis is in violation of city code, and ordered her to hook up to city utilities or face eviction from her home. He also ruled that Speronis must pay for water service and ordered her sewer capped until she does.
The city is out of line ordering Speronis to change her lifestyle just because they don't understand and respect her simple way of life. They should have given her notice of any code violations and given her the opportunity to present her case rather than assume her way is unacceptable. Speronis should be held up as an example and inspiration to others, not treated as a criminal. Please sign the petition to urge Cape Coral Officials to let Speronis keep her home and continue living her lifestyle.
We, the undersigned, are concerned with city officials' action regarding the lifestyle of Robin Speronis of Cape Coral, Florida. As you may know, Speronis lived in the woods for seven months and learned how to live off the grid in a sanitary, ecologically friendly way. She now lives without running water or electricity, and collects rainwater for washing and gardening. She uses a special toilet and disposes of her waste as pet owners dispose of animal waste.
Last week, a magistrate ruled that Speronis is in violation of city code, and ordered her to hook up to city utilities or face eviction from her home. He also ruled that Speronis must pay for water service and ordered her sewer capped until she does. We understand that Speronis has been using the city's wastewater disposal system without paying, but she might have been unaware of this violation. She could easily pay for this one service without wasting her time and money hooking up to other systems she doesn't want or need.
We believe that the city is out of line ordering Speronis to change her lifestyle just because they don't understand and respect her simple way of life. They should have given her notice of any code violations and given her the opportunity to present her case rather than assume her way is unacceptable. Speronis should be held up as an example and inspiration to others, not treated as a criminal. We respectfully urge you to let Speronis keep her home and continue living her lifestyle. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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