In February 2018, the local hunt met at Sherborne Castle in Dorset. They went on to kill a fox. Many people contacted the castle asking them to explain why they seem to support an illegal and immoral activity. To date, the Castle has not responded. We are asking the castle to stop hosting the local hunts on their land. Hunting wild animals with dogs is illegal and the castle should not be condoning it.
Update #36 years ago
Hello All
I'm delighted to tell you that our petition worked. Sherborne Castle has no plans to hold a fox hunt meet this season. We don't know about next season though.
If you'd like to join in with Action Against Foxhunting, please like our page:
or follow us on twitter @ActionagainsF
or email us for more details
and check out our webpage
Thank you for your support.
Update #26 years ago
Sherborne Castle continues to ignore all communications about the fox killing. The hunts will be scheduling their meets for the new season shortly; let's make sure that Sherborne Castle listens to US and refuses THEM. It's a big meet - lots of horses and riders. The hunt are going to have some trouble finding another venue able to accommodate them.
Please share this petition with everybody. If we make a difference on a small scale, we can make a difference on a big one too.
Thank you
Update #16 years ago
Thank you so much for signing the petition about Sherborne Castle. I put it on "Sherborne News and Views" but they deleted it, saying that people had reported it. It seems that the bullies just won't let us have a say. Please share this petition as far as you can. We can't let them kill our wildlife and get away with it.
Thank you.