Condemn this inhumane act of animal cruelty !

  • by: Veselin Varbanov
  • recipient: people ,anti cruelty organizations , peace and justice organizations , justice

Last week a 55 years old man named Raicho Ivanov, from Bulgaria tied a neibghourhood dog to his car and started draging it more than 1+ km through the rough countryside road leaving horrific trails from the blood coming out from the dogs mouth and dismember body.Moreover he did this infront of people(including children) in his village Topolovo.
The most probable reason is that  apparently the dog had killed some of this man's chickens )
After he finished he dumped it in the ditch.Later people found the dog and incredibly they said it was still alive ,moving his eyes and head a little. Later our "competent" prosecutor's office return the dog to this man again for recovery (yes to this same person who said to the people asking why is he doing this: "This dog should suffer!" )

A few days after that maybe not so unexpectedly the tragedy ended with people fing the dog burred dead after policemen had made the old man confess his deeds!
Now this man is threaten with maximum of 3 years in jail and 5,000 BGN fine (~3,421 USD). But in our country there are very few if any cases of animal cruelty that made it through court let alone to sentence and jail. 

Sigh the petition to show your support agaist animal crueltyand demant for a full sentence for this criminal and inhumane act! 

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