Free Arturo, Argentina's only polar bear, from living hell!!!

Arturo the polar bear lives in the Mendoza Zoo in Argentina where he is going slowly mad. Arturo must be released immediately from the Zoo!

Two years ago, Arturo's long-time companion, a polar bear named Pelusa, died and he has since had not contact with other bears. In fact, Arturo is displaying many signs of depression and "abnormal behaviour," baring his teeth while pacing and rocking from side to side.

On top of this, Arturo is living in extreme heat in Argentina. He has no opportunities to act as a normal polar bear and his only access to water is a pool 50cms deep. There is a real risk of death from hyperthermia for Arturo.

Despite this, the Zoo has blocked Arturo's transfer to Canada's International Polar Bear Conservation Centre as they say he is too old to travel. 

But if Arturo stays where he is, he is condemned to an unbearable existence for many years to come. Something must be done to help him!! Transferring him to Canada may well be this poor polar bear's only chance of a few years of decent living.

Please sign my petition to ask the Mendoza Zoo to let Arturo go to Canada immediately.

Update #110 years ago
Despite global outrage, the Zoo are still refusing to let Arturo move to Canada, have made no attempt to allow experts to examine him or even improve his surroundings.

I urge you to raise your objections to this by letter / email with the Medoza Government.

Lic. Guillermo Elizalde, Minister of Lands, Environment & Natural Resources and Dr Francisco Pérez, the Mendoza Governor

Casa de Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza
Av. L. Peltier 351
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