Don’t let Mastriano tell schools what to display

    Public schools are for education.
    Teaching the tenants of the State and Country that ensures that education through taxes should be part of the itinerary but making a law that requires the display of documents should never be considered.
    Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano, R-Adams/Franklin, introduced the Creation of Law in Our Schools Act which would do just that.
    Along with the U.S. Constitution, Pennsylvania Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,all documents that have a place in the curriculum and could be displayed at the school’s discretion though not forced,he wants to include a religious document.
    Although The Ten Commandments contain words to live by and students should not be disallowed to read and study them they remain a religious artifact and should not be forced onto them.
    No State institutions should be forced by law what they can display on their walls.
    We ask that the Creation of Law in Our Schools Act not be considered let alone brought into effect.
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