Stop Helicopter Roundups!

  • by: Kaeleigh Ray
  • recipient: President Obama, The U.S. Bureau of Land Management, The U.S. Department of the Interior, Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell, Idaho, Wyoming and Welfare Ranchers

Helicopter roundups don't help America's Wild Horses or America's lands in any way. Helicopter Roundups help Welfare Ranchers and the BLM break Federal Law by selling Wild Horses to Mexican and Canadian Slaughter Houses breaking the 1971 Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act. These Roundups result in Mustang deaths, these horses are run until they reach the roundup pen or the horse dies of exhaustion. Some Foals (baby horses) actually run until their hooves(feet) fall off, a slow painful death for them or an living creature.

Patriotic Americans do not destroy their culture, land or break laws that stand for our freedom!

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