Help A Mom Have An Illegal Adoption Annulled

  • by: Kini Cosma
  • recipient: Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, Organization of American States

I have been forced to live in a state of continued physical torture, mental and emotional abuse, and oppression for 20+ years. The pattern of abuse by officials have always been to intrude on my employment activities to traumatize me. This has been their assurance to send me to jail.

This may be my last request to the commission. If my case has not been skipped over, it is pending at the Inter-American Commission On Human Rights, Organization Of American States CASE NO.: P-878-09; ICC Communication OTP-CR-886/09

I was promised an education in the legal industry making extensive wages. As a result, I was profiled as a lesbian and arbitrarily arrested excessively.  Branded a “sex offender,” I lost custody of my two sons. The sex offender charge was dismissed but the U.S. Government doesn't want to pay the damages. If I were a male this would have been resolved years ago.

I have lost other real property & vehicles wrongfully seized and confiscated by the states of California and Oregon authorities.  I also noticed my $100k inheritance was wrongfully pilfered after I asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to suspend the powers of the trustee.

ALL of my difficult and dedicated work was ignored while federal judges demanded that I complete more work.  Even though they  know I am not the “Betty Crocker” type girl, they have become obsessed with “curative rape” by forcing their disregard on me making me an object of ridicule and scorn in order that I submit to and service their American Men. Those in the community banter me because they just want me to shut up and go away and endure the sexual harassment.

To see more, check out

The strategy is to shred "her" credibility. Government officials do this to break her so she won't get to the stand. They drag her through the mud, hoping she won’t have the courage to testify. The irony is victims act out, they act antisocial, and predators turn around and say, "You see, they’re messed up.”

According to a Florida Appellate Court there is no statute of limitations on fraud to set aside an adoption and my last stage of an 18 year battle all the way to the Inter-American Commission must adhere to or enforce the adoptive status or the rights flowing therefrom when the adoption is repugnant to the laws or policies of the United States of America.

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