Justice for Turkey Tortured to Death at Party

  • by: Animal Advocates
  • recipient: Kansas Douglas County District Attorney, Charles Branson

During a fraternity party on December 14, members reportedly tortured a turkey to death during a party at their building at the University of Kansas.

The turkey was rented for the evening and was not scheduled to be slaughtered.

Witnesses at the fraternity house say they saw several fraternity brothers viciously poke the turkey and  kick in a cage holding the turkey, breaking it. The turkey fled the cage and raced through the dance crowd of about 150 people. It was allegedly chased, thrown like a football and choked by the neck. When the turkey’s wing snapped, and then its leg, the animal began screaming, witnesses said, before it was ultimately killed.

Stephanie Bell, an associate director in PETA’s cruelty investigation department, said it best when she stated, “this alarming incident is the very definition of bully behavior. People who abuse animals rarely do it only once and almost never stop there."

Such actions violate Kansas §21-6412 which defines "cruelty to animals" as "knowingly and maliciously killing, injuring, maiming, torturing, burning or mutilating any animal." We ask the Douglas County District Attorney to file appropriate charges and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

SOURCE: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/12/17/3970469/ku-fraternity-investigated-for.html

Douglas County District Attorney
Charles Branson
111 E. 11th Street, 1st level
Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: 785-841-0211
Fax: 785-832-8202
Email: cbranson@douglas-county.com

During a fraternity party on December 14, members reportedly tortured a turkey to death during a party at their building at the University of Kansas.

The turkey was rented for the evening and was not scheduled to be slaughtered.

Witnesses at the fraternity house say they saw several fraternity brothers viciously poke the turkey and  kick in a cage holding the turkey, breaking it. The turkey fled the cage and raced through the dance crowd of about 150 people. It was allegedly chased, thrown like a football and choked by the neck. When the turkey’s wing snapped, and then its leg, the animal began screaming, witnesses said, before it was ultimately killed.

Stephanie Bell, an associate director in PETA’s cruelty investigation department, said it best when she stated, “this alarming incident is the very definition of bully behavior. People who abuse animals rarely do it only once and almost never stop there."

Such actions violate Kansas §21-6412 which defines "cruelty to animals" as "knowingly and maliciously killing, injuring, maiming, torturing, burning or mutilating any animal." We ask the Douglas County District Attorney to file appropriate charges and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

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