Stop killing African elephants for illegal ivory trade!

By signing this petition you can join us in saving  the Chadian elephants from the massive poaching taking place in Chad, RCA and Cameroon. Our main goal is to stop the massive killing of the African elephants and rhinos, due to the demand of ivory and rhino horns by Chinese citizens. We want the Chinese authorities to take action against these killings immediately and ask the Chinese Government to set a complete ban on the import and the purchase of ivory. We want the Chinese people to know that all the ivory which they have purchased within the last 10 years has mainly been obtained from illegal killings of elephants ! This is the only way to help and save the African elephants and rhinos. The amounts of Chadian elephants and rhinos are going down drastically and if we don not take action now these remarkable animals will soon be lost. Many hundred thousands of citizens all around the world are very shocked and disgusted about what is happening ! This is a huge crime against biodiversity, originating in China, a huge country that never has prevented her people to purchase ivory. Elephants and rhinos are protected species and world patrimony and deserve your support. If we want future generations to know what elephants and rhinos look like we have to act now!
Please sign the petition and send a letter to the Chinese Representatives in your country urging them to stop the elephant and rhino slaughter immediately and abolish future killings!

President of the Republic: M. HU Jintao
Vice-President of the Republic: XI Jinping
Prime minister: M. WEN Jiabao

Vice-prime ministers: M. LI Keqiang, M. HUI Liangyu, M. ZHANG Dejiang, M. WANG Qishan

I am very concerned and want to help SOS Elephants Chad in saving the Chadian elephants from the massive poaching in Chad, in RCA and Cameroon.

Can you please help by informing your government of the massive killing of elephants and rhinos going on in Africa due to the big demand of ivory by Chinese citizens?

I want the Chinese authorities to take action against the massive killings and ask the Chinese Government to completely ban the purchase of ivory and inform the people that all the ivory they might have purchased within the last 10 years has been obtained by illegal killing.

Many hundred thousands of citizens worldwide are shocked and disgusted by what is going on in Africa. Every massacre is a direct crime against biodiversity. It is China and its authorities that are responsible because they have never prevented people from purchasing ivory.

Elephants and rhinos are protected species and world patrimony and I want future generations to get to know them as well.

Please help to start a campaign against the purchase of ivory among your population and vote a law.

Thank you for your much needed help.

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