Arizona, Don't Allow Employers To Fire Women Who Use Birth Control Pills

An absurd bill hailing from Arizona is threatening women's reproductive rights by allowing employers to deny health insurance coverage to their employees if women are using birth control pills for family planning purposes.

If their employers have religious objection to birth control pills, women could be fired if they do not provide proof that they are using the pills for non-sexual purposes, such as acne treatment or hormone control.

The proposed bill would also give employers the full right to ask women why they use birth control pills.

A Senate Judiciary Committee has already endorsed the bill sponsored by Republican Debbie Lesko.

This is an assault on women's health care.

Women have the full right to keep their medical records and sexual relationships completely private.

This oppressive bill should be stopped in its tracks.

Tell Arizona Senate: Don't Infringe on Women's Health Care!

We the undersigned our deeply concerned with the negative affects of the proposed HB2625, the bill that would allow employers to deny health insurance or even fire female employees for using birth control pills for family planning purposes.

This infringement of women's health care is discriminatory and should be halted immediately.

Women's privacy in their medical history and sexual relationships should be kept private and their employers should have no right to impede on that sphere of life.

We ask you to vote no on HB2625.

Thank you for taking our comments and concerns into serious consideration.

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