Demand the GOP stop protecting child marriage and ban it forever!

For all the right-wing hysteria over "groomers" and lurid conspiracies about pedophile cabals, they sure don't seem to be in a hurry to put an end to one of the most pernicious child abuse institutions in the country — legal child marriage.

At least 300,000 minors married in the US between 2000 and 2018, according to data compiled by Unchained At Last, and that number is certain to be higher since at least ten states provided no or incomplete data. 87% of those children married, some of whom were as young as ten years old, were girls. 60,000 of those marriages involved an age difference that would have otherwise been considered a sex crime.

Tell the GOP to end child marriage once and for all!

While child marriage loopholes exist all across the country, nine of the top ten states for child marriage are Republican — and in many of those states, child brides cannot divorce their husbands, because they're minors and can't change a marriage contract without an adult.

This problem persists today because the GOP wants to protect child marriage. For instance, in New Hampshire, 174 Republicans voted against a bill to end child marriage, with one GOP rep creepily describing teen girls as "ripe and fertile."

If the GOP actually cares one iota about children, they'll stop their resistance and put an end to this disgusting practice once and for all.

Demand the GOP stop protecting child marriage and ban it forever!

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