She Collected 37 Dogs in One Home and Sadly Neglected Their Medical Needs

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Connecticut authorities
A heartbreaking situation has unfolded in Wallingford, Connecticut, where 37 innocent dogs were rescued from a home filled with neglect. This shocking case of hoarding has left these vulnerable animals in dire conditions, and we cannot let their suffering go unanswered.

Sign the petition to protect other pets from this situation!

These poor dogs were found living in unacceptable circumstances, despite being adequately fed. The real horror lies in their living environment and medical conditions that she left untreated. When they were rescued, many were severely matted, smelly from sanitation issues, and in desperate need of grooming and medical care.

For over a year, Wallingford Animal Control worked with the woman responsible, trying to help her meet the conditions necessary for the dogs' welfare. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain, and conditions continued to deteriorate. The situation escalated to the point where a search and seizure warrant was necessary to rescue these animals from a life of neglect and suffering.

This isn't the first time this woman has been under investigation for her treatment of animals. In New Hampshire, she faced scrutiny for similar issues, raising serious concerns about her fitness to care for any animal.

Authorities need to ensure no other animals fall victim to her neglect. Sign the petition to demand a lifetime ban on owning, living, or working with animals again!
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