The City of San Diego should END the Pacific Beach Shared-Street Experiment

The Diamond Street experiment is in direct opposition to the  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's most basic guidelines.

This street was closed because they trusted the science of social distancing. Now they're ignoring science from our national experts.

Pedestrians should NOT be encouraged to comingle with automobiles in the streets-especially in our predominately young demographic. 

An independent road-safety audit will prove these dangers.

Residents are being forced to drive on the wrong side of the road to navigate road-closure signs, off-leash pets, and distracted recreationalists who are cursing and/or "flipping off" drivers as they try to enter their own driveways.

Homeowners are being forced to endure permanent adversity of new thoroughfare traffic and/or an intrusive "boardwalk" that has created an influx of noise, dog waste, littering, and loitering. 

This experiment is devoid of any sophisticated data that should be required to prove that this drastic change to our homes is superior to our national experts' data-driven recommendations for safe streets.

The City should rely on infrastructures proven to make our roads safer instead of expending valuable resources toward a project that is undermining homeowners' rights, jeopardizing securities, causing a deep divide within our community, and increasing dangers instead of decreasing them.

To further support this cause, please contact: 

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Headquarters, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590 Telephone: 1-888-327-4236 



Update #52 years ago
We REALLY need U 4/20 TOMORROW/Wed @ 6:30pm @ St. Brigid's/Cass.If you arent comfortable speaking PLS consider being a warm body for R side Proponents R canvassing Diamond w/signage trying to harvest support. Channel 7 gave great coverage last week & they WILL be there tomorrow. If you canNOT show up in person, please consider ZOOM 2 share 1-2 words experiences you have so thoughtfully shared here. We have power 2 stop this madness. PBTC website 4 zoom instructions. ThankU! We CAN do this!
Update #42 years ago
Channel 7 covered PB + will be @ PBTC mtg next Wed 4/20 @ 6:30p.If anyone wants 2 share story forward communications that were sent 2 city/others, contact or text 619-200-7637. We REALLY need your support more than ever RIGHT NOW. Gloria reversed other street projects. The more people that show up next week via zoom or in person, the better. I froze during my last-minute interview but the important thing is that they're covering story. Other channels will follow! ThankU
Update #32 years ago
4/20/21 6:30p/St. Brigids or Zoom Go2PBTC 4zoom instr. We need ALL hands on deck! DSomers/News7/+R investigating PB bc MiraMesa/Gold Coast/Evergreen/Pt. Loma ABL DEBACLES excluding communities + mobility dept. has 2 staff v 13 per OB RAG 4/7. We R gaining momentum. Write your news stations! Let them know ABLS are NOTHING compared to Diamond Boardwalk + there is CLEAR pattern of excluding communities! PROPONENTS canvassing NOW 2keep. Consider
Update #23 years ago
We need YOUR help! On February 16 @ 6:30 pm PB Town Council President has arranged mtg. w/Mayor's Deputy Director to discuss Diamond boardwalk plans. Attend personally @ St. Brigid Parish or via Zoom. We MUST UNITE in STRONG numbers or we may BE FORCED to endure permanent COMPOUNDING adversities. This might be our only chance to voice our concerns. Your participation will be invaluable. Save our Streets! Protect our Homes! Contact PB Town Council for Zoom instructions.

Update #13 years ago
Beach/Bay Press/Dave Scwab requesting comments Deadline is Monday 1/17 for 1/21 story. With ~420 homes affected, we have less than ~20% support. Have things gotten better/worse with it over time? Why/how? City is looking into continuing it. If you know anyone opposed, he welcomes comments./phone calls by the end of the day on Monday the 17th. He doesn't mind talking to people over the weekend. His cell is 858-205-9016. Please participate!
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