You probably didn’t even know the Vaquita exists, that’s how rare it is.
This is the rarest cetacean mammal in the world endangered by their limited range, Vaquita have never been hunted directly, but it is known that the vaquita population is declining. The decline is largely due to animals becoming trapped in gillnets intended for capturing the totoaba, another species endemic to the Gulf. Estimates placed the vaquita population at 567 in 1997.[4] With their population dropping as low as 150 individuals in 2007 and possibly even lower today
Why is it important to organize a campaign to save the Vaquita?
Mexico has the privilege of having this species -the Marine Vaquita - within its territory. It’s an exclusively native species to the Upper Gulf of California, which means that it cannot be found elsewhere in the planet. Since 1990, the Vaquita has been classified as a "species in danger of extinction" and recently as "in critical danger of extinction", by the World Conservation Union (UICN).