Someone Stabbed a Beloved Dolphin in the Head and Left It to Die a Horrible Death

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: NOAA and Florida's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Who would want to kill a dolphin? That's what people are asking themselves after discovering a horrible crime — a dolphin, dead and washed up on shore with a brutal stab wound in its head. The exact location of the crime is unknown but the dolphin's lifeless corpse was found on North Captiva Island.

After a necropsy was performed, it was determined that the cetacean was alive and well when an unknown perpetrator decided to take its life. According to experts, the dolphin was likely in a ̈begging ̈ position when it was fatally stabbed. The killer left a brutal 6-inch wound above its eye and it likely died a painful death. What makes things worse is, locals say the dolphin was known around the area as it would swim near fishing boats.

Will you sign to ensure officials find justice for this poor dolphin?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) — one of the organizations charged with implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) — if caught, the culprit could face up to one year in prison and $100,000 in fines.

Since 2002 — in the Northern Gulf region which includes Mississippi — more than dolphins have been found dead from human-inflicted injuries including guns, arrows or being impaled.

For some reason, more and more people are finding it "fun" to abuse our protected marine life.

This killer must be caught and brought to justice so our government can make an example out of them. We must make sure animal abusers are held responsible for their crimes.

Sign the petition and tell NOAA and Florida's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission you support them in their search for the killer of the Mississippi dolphin. Tell them you want justice for the murdered dolphin.

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