Their Lives is In Our Hands - SAVE OUR DOGS ( Mauritius)

"The Greatness of a Nation and it's Moral Progress can be judged by the way its animal are treated" - Mahatma Gandhi

We the undersigned ask you to close down MSAW's dog catch and kill unit and dog pound in Port Louis with immediate effect, on the grounds of MSAW's multiple violation of the animal welfare act 2013, which is clearly documented on video footage and pictures

We request that either a new team of experienced animal welfare / animal rights personnel replace the existing MSAW management and staff or another animal welfare society be appointed with the stray dog control task. We ask that a humane stray dog population control with sterilisation campaigns be launched as this has proven to be effective in so many other countries. STOP the CRUELTY by MSAW NOW!

MSAW- MAURITIUS SOCIETY ANIMAL WELFARE! As it says it should be about our animal welfare BUT we all know and now is confirmed that this is not the case!! MSAW is acting on behalf of Inhumane treatment, welfare is not what they do and their name a totally misleading!

We need to speak out for those little souls as they cannot speak for themselves all they know what to do is love!

According to The Animal Welfare Act 2013 Part II


3. Offences of cruelty to animals

(1) Subject to subsection (2), any person who -

- tortures or otherwise treats an animal in such a manner as to subject it to
distress, pain or suffering, or causes or permits an animal to be so treated;

- administers an injurious drug or substance to an animal, or wilfully causes or
permits any such drug or substance to be taken by an animal;

- conveys or carries an animal, in or on a vehicle, in such a manner or position
as to subject it to distress, pain or suffering;

- keeps or confines an animal in a cage or other similar structure which is too
small to provide the animal with a reasonable opportunity for its natural

- confines an animal, or causes or permits an animal to be confined, or baits an
animal so as to make it an object of prey for any other animal, or incites an
animal to fight any other animal or any human being;

shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 15,000 rupees
and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

"Laws" written by the Mauritian under Act No. 19 of 2013
Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 63 of 18 July 2013 are not being respected!

See Video below


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