No Jail Time for 15-Minute JP Morgan Chase Protest!

  • by: Ann Ward
  • recipient: The New York District Attorney's Office

JP Morgan Chase has a history bankrolling efforts to rape the environment. They fund mountain top removal mining and major fossil fuel projects. In an effort to raise awareness, a theatre group consisting of Broadway actors and comedians descended on a Manhattan Branch of JP Morgan Chase acting as "Reverend Billy and the Golden Toads." Wearing costumes that did not conceal their faces, they proceeded to put on a silly 15-minute demonstration. The character "Reverend Billy" preached to the bank about the dangers of climate change brought about by greedy corporations who hold no regard for the earth.

The theatre troup has performed a variety of these skits all over the world without significant problems. They come in, do their show, and leave. But this time the group was arrested and are facing 1-year in prison for what a New York prosecutor is calling a "criminal stunt." The bank manager's complaint stated that employees were crying and scared. But a video of the encounter does not show this. In fact, most were taking pictures with their cell phones or ignoring them altogether!

This is a ridiculous accusation and a violation of free speech. Tell the New York District Attorney to drop the efforts to put these peaceful environmentalists in jail!

Attn: New York District Attorney's Office,

Nehemiah Luckett aka Reverend Billy and the Golden Toads were exercising their right to free speech when they put on a comedic 15-minute skit at JP Morgan Chase Manhattan to raise awareness on the dangers of climate change. A video clearly shows this group of actors behaving in a non-threatening manner. Luckett even paused to make certain people in the bank did not feel threatened before continuing with the demonstration. In fact, most were taking pictures with their cell phones or ignoring them altogether!

Putting these people in jail for up to 1-year is not only excessive, it is a waste of tax payer dollars to house these non-dangerous, earth-loving people in a jail.

We (the undersigned) respectfully ask you to reconsider your decision to seek such extreme punishment for what was obviously a peaceful demonstration.


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