Everyday animals are being beaten and neglected, and many states either turn a blind eye or the person gets a slap on the wrists. This petition will be sent to many states to show that this cant be tolerated. Murder is over the news everyday, about who killed who and why. Animal murder is only on the news in the worst cases, and if that is just on local news. Animals cant speak up like us and say ow, or ask to stop, but they DO suffer just like a human would. Thousands of animals, cats, dogs, rabbits, horses and so much more are being beaten, abused, forced to fight, and much worse. Why do murderers get sent to jail but animal abusers get away with it? Because animal are not seen as having rights. Sign my petiton, it will be you saying you dont want to see another animal killed and it be swept under the rug. Animals deserve rights, and i believe one person at a time we can give it to them.

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