DOGS are mostly kept on a short very heavy CHAIN and have no shade, water or food. They are the socalled watchdogs and in Portugal people think it is normal to see animals as a THING and not as a living creatures. Dogs love no matter what and takes care of you and keeps you safe. I want the portugues people to make a change in their animal abusive minds and be a member of the EU. It is beyond beleive how barbaric people behave in Portugal in treating their animals. It is like centuries ago living here in this country. I want you all to make a change and unchain all dogs.
They should be in a pen big enough to move properly, kept out of the murdering sun, given fresh water at all times and sufficient food or please do no keep a pet at all. The veterinarians have work putting down dogs because they have no money to feed the dog, but drive away in a big new 4x4 car! Protugues people also think that all dogs should ! have babies in order to prevent the feared breast cancer. This is not true, better is to castrate them to not have the babies. By the way most babies are thrown in the trash or drowned because they do not want them anyway. People know this but do not DO anything......Please DO!
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