Caboodle Cats Get Ready for Adoption

After last month’s victory for Caboodle’s kitties, the ASPCA got right to work preparing for their eventual adoption.

Our first step, naturally, was to begin the process of ensuring that each cat was spayed or neutered. With that in mind, we sent the ASPCA National Spay/Neuter Project team to our temporary shelter in Jacksonville. Working with University of Florida veterinarians, the team performed surgery on every unaltered cat on the premises, save a number who were not yet healthy enough.

The spayed and neutered cats included roughly 20 kittens born to cats who were pregnant when we rescued them, and we’ve confirmed from our sources on the ground that they’re extremely adorable. Says Communities Manager Marta Arroyo of the National Spay/Neuter team, “These kittens will have no problems getting adopted!”

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