This is SICKENING! Nosey is injured, old and is completely depressed and sad! This poor elephant has been imprisoned, chained, denied Vet. care and forced to give rides to children even though he is in excruciating pain. Hugo Tomi Liebel purchased him 22 years ago and has since been cited many times by the USDA. But, the USDA REFUSES to revoke his license and only levies minimal fines for Nosey's deplorable condition. Notice Nosey is chained by one front leg and one back leg. HE CAN'T MOVE AT ALL OR LAY DOWN! He's imprisoned and defenseless to whatever this JERK chooses to do, or not do, for him. We MUST continually fight to secure the release of Nosey to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tenn. We must call, write, fax, email, the USDA and DEMAND that they revoke his license and arrange for Nosey's freedom to Tenn. Here's their address in Washington: Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture and Krysta Hardin, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture at 1400 Independence Ave. S.W., Washington, DC 20250. Phone 202-720-2791. Here is also the address for Hugo T. Liebel, 1432 Adair Rd, Davenport, FL 33837. Please at least call the above phone number and voice your disgust!