Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage Janesville, WI to continue their necessary works through funding to save stray cats. Not only should we ask the city ordinance department to continue funding the current program but to also engage in the catch and release program where they rescue the animals and spay or neuter them before they can reproduce and release them if shelters are too full. Either way, the last thing they need is give up on helping the stray cats.
Janesville, WI has a huge stray cat problem that they were handling by rescuing the cats and bring them into shelters where they could possibly be adopted once they receive a good bill of health. Shelters can only house about 600 cats annually and caring for them requires government and donation funding. Both shelters and the Rock County Humane Society, along with Janesville Police have partnered together to save these animals from the streets. Officers pick up the cats and deliver to the Humane Society but the stray cat program is in danger of being cut as Janesville's City Council takes a look at its 2015 budget.
The City Council Board has been requested to cut funds by 10 percent in all areas, including the funding for the stray cat program within this coming year. Council members originally considered cutting $70,000 from the pet program, which would virtually eliminate the police department's partnership to save stray cats. That number has since been reduced to $60,000. A council spokesperson stated "That's 10 percent of our budget from the city that brings in 50 percent of the stray animals. That would be catastrophic to our sustainability as an organization and our ability to continue to do good for lost and homeless pets. We know that it's a tough time and it’s difficult for them as a nonprofit," says Severson. "However, we feel we had to cut our budget accordingly." This budget cut only refers to stray cats; officers will continue to pick up stray dogs.
Janesville's City Council will hold two public hearings on the entire budget, including this program cut, on Nov. 10 and 24. Council members will vote on the budget following the final public hearing. We need to intervene with our pleas not to close down this program accordingly. Find other means to support this program, ask for donations, make slight cuts in other areas but don't give up on these stray cats. Also look into the catch and release program; rescuing cats, getting them spayed or neutered and releasing them to natural habitats where they can no longer reproduce.
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage Janesville, WI to continue their necessary works through funding to save stray cats. Not only should we ask the city ordinance department to continue funding the current program but to also engage in the catch and release program where they rescue the animals and spay or neuter them before they can reproduce and release them if shelters are too full. Either way, the last thing they need is give up on helping the stray cats.
Janesville City Council & Budget Committee - Please do not cut the funds on the stray cat program; these animals need humans to help them. They cannot help the situation they are in and need humane care and interactions.Find other means to support this program, ask for donations, make slight cuts in other areas but don't give up on these stray cats. Also look into the catch and release program; rescuing cats, getting them spayed or neutered and releasing them to natural habitats where they can no longer reproduce. Please give grave thought to how you can establish plans to save these cats without cutting the funds necessary to save and protect them.
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