THIS PETITION IS NOT GRAPHIC - to view the cruel reality, a cursory Google search to veal crates will show you what the reality for these creatures is.
Veal is a cruel by-product of the dairy industry.Male calves end up in veal crates―a fate characterized by confinement ( 30 inches wide x 72 inches long), darkness, malnutrition, ending in slaughter.These crates are designed to prohibit exercise and normal muscle growth in order to produce tender “gourmet” veal. The calves are fed a milk substitute that is purposely low in iron so that they will become anemic and their flesh will stay pale. Read: unhealthy.
Workers routinely viciously kick, punch, and torment the baby calves chained by the neck, unable to even turn around or lie down comfortably for their entire lives.
This practice of Veal Crating are so inherently inhumane that its been banned in eight U.S. states, Australia, New Zealand, and the entire European Union.
Please, help bring an end to the use of this horribly inhumane confinement system by calling on The Retail Council of Canada to take a stand against egregious cruelty to animals by prohibiting veal suppliers from using cruel veal crates.