URGENT: Stop the use of Biological Population Control (RHD)

  • by: Sabina DeBoheme
  • recipient: The Australian Government, Ku-ring-gai Council, Urban Feral Animal Action Group (UFAAG), NSW

We object to Kur-ring-gai Council, as well as other councils in the Northern Sydney region releasing a deadly virus causing Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) into the national parks of Northern Sydney, targeting wild rabbits. This virus causes “a slow and painful death”, taking two to three days to kill its host, causing them to bleed internally­. This is inhumane, immoral and even more mindless than the introduction of rabbits to Australia in the first place.

It’s extremely arrogant to be playing ‘God’ (or rather, the Devil) in effort to exterminate a population of other living creatures, that are by some mis-guided people considered "pests" and that are essentially not very different from us, humans. According to the scientific discoveries of recent times, there's only 1-2% difference between our and animal genotypes. 

According to http://www.rabbit.org/care/vhd.html insects, birds and animals such as rodents are known to spread the virus by acting as indirect hosts - spreading the disease from infected to uninfected rabbits. Humans can also spread the virus to their pet rabbits if they have been in contact with infected rabbits or in contact with surroundings contaminated by the virus.

Using viruses as a method of Biological Population control is risky and extremely unethical - a method that should be banned. Although scientists pride themselves on being able to study, create, propogate and control viruses in the lab, it is a dangerous weapon of consequences we cannot predict. We have no control over what chemicals and environments wild animals are in contact with. Viruses can mutate or cross over to other species creating something that could be disastrous. Apart from it being an inhumane and horrendous way to kill an innocent creature we need to take responsibility of the unknown side effects; how it may affect other species, our pets, our children, us and the future of this planet.

It's also time that councils become aware that the pesticides they commonly use on so-called weeds are contributing to the disappearance of bees, which threatens our own existence.

As to the rabbits, nature will take appropriate care of them and ultimately of us humans, if we continue to spread death and destruction around us. Rather than "modifying" our natural environment to feed the interests of pharma-chemical cartel, councils and other government authorities should look to the law of nature by adapting to our habitat, rather than the other way around. We must recognise the fact that we are part of a living system and to continue our existence we must learn to live in harmony with our habitat and all fellow species. The use of any artificial life-destroying substances should be banned by those public authorities responsible for protecting our natural habitat.

Permaculture is a well known and world wide recognised science, developed by an Australian, Bill Mollison, which if incorporated into our daily practice would make a world of difference in our quality of life. Why not incorporate Permaculture into the "management" of "our" natural resources, including rabbits? 

It simply doesn't make sense to continue the destruction of our own nest, even birds know that. Counting on councils common sense and goodwill, we request that the plans to introduce any biological agents (as well as chemicals used for weed control) into the environment now and in the future be abandoned.

We object to Kur-ring-gai Council, as well as other councils in the Northern Sydney region releasing a deadly virus causing Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) into the national parks of Northern Sydney, targeting wild rabbits. This virus causes “a slow and painful death”, taking two to three days to kill its host, causing them to bleed internally­. This is inhumane, immoral and even more mindless than the introduction of rabbits to Australia in the first place.

It’s extremely arrogant to be playing ‘God’ (or rather, the Devil) in effort to exterminate a population of other living creatures, that are by some mis-guided people considered "pests" and that are essentially not very different from us, humans. According to the scientific discoveries of recent times, there's only 1-2% difference between our and animal genotypes. 

According to http://www.rabbit.org/care/vhd.html insects, birds and animals such as rodents are known to spread the virus by acting as indirect hosts - spreading the disease from infected to uninfected rabbits. Humans can also spread the virus to their pet rabbits if they have been in contact with infected rabbits or in contact with surroundings contaminated by the virus.

Using viruses as a method of Biological Population control is risky and extremely unethical - a method that should be banned. Although scientists pride themselves on being able to study, create, propogate and control viruses in the lab, it is a dangerous weapon of consequences we cannot predict. We have no control over what chemicals and environments wild animals are in contact with. Viruses can mutate or cross over to other species creating something that could be disastrous. Apart from it being an inhumane and horrendous way to kill an innocent creature we need to take responsibility of the unknown side effects; how it may affect other species, our pets, our children, us and the future of this planet.

It's also time that councils become aware that the pesticides they commonly use on so-called weeds are contributing to the disappearance of bees, which threatens our own existence.

As to the rabbits, nature will take appropriate care of them and ultimately of us humans, if we continue to spread death and destruction around us. Rather than "modifying" our natural environment to feed the interests of pharma-chemical cartel, councils and other government authorities should look to the law of nature by adapting to our habitat, rather than the other way around. We must recognise the fact that we are part of a living system and to continue our existence we must learn to live in harmony with our habitat and all fellow species. The use of any artificial life-destroying substances should be banned by those public authorities responsible for protecting our natural habitat.

Permaculture is a well known and world wide recognised science, developed by an Australian, Bill Mollison, which if incorporated into our daily practice would make a world of difference in our quality of life. Why not incorporate Permaculture into the "management" of "our" natural resources, including rabbits? 

It simply doesn't make sense to continue the destruction of our own nest, even birds know that. Counting on councils common sense and goodwill, we request that the plans to introduce any biological agents (as well as chemicals used for weed control) into the environment now and in the future be abandoned.

Update #110 years ago
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