Dear Mr. Brown and Ms. Blackburn,
We have not forgotten the life that Jack Gangwish so brutally took. We cannot imagine the fear and pain and the cries of this innocent creature while Jack Gangwish heartlessly beat him over and over with a crescent wrench until every bone in his little body was broken and his head was bashed in. The fact that you let this man have a place on your team and pay him millions of dollars is UNACCEPTABLE!!!
He shows ZERO remorse for what he did. Instead, he makes jokes about the raccoon having met "death by crescent wrench."
Even after the unthinkable and horrific murder of this animal, he continues to discuss his hunting of other animals, lamenting on Twitter when the weather does not allow him to make a kill.
Raccoons are amazingly intelligent animals. They have minds equivalent to that of a young child. They reason, they feel, they trust... just like a dog does. In essence, it is the same as if Jack Gangwish had beaten a helpless puppy to death, all while it shrieked and cried, begging him to stop.
We will NEVER forget what Jack Gangwish did. Not now, not 5 years from now. You HIRED him AFTER this unthinkable act of cruelty!!! How could you?!! He has and deserves NO place in society and we will NOT stop sharing this petition and boycotting your team until you do the right thing and fire him. Now more than ever, it's time for people to stand up to the bullies of the world. Jack Gangwish is a murderer and a bully. We need to tell the world that people who do these utterly heinous things do NOT get rewarded.
We know your first thought will be to get defensive, but what we need you to think about instead is the monster you have in your midst running after a helpless creature to beat it to death while it struggled. No matter what he says to you in his defense, he is a sick human. You have hired a psychopath who is a liability to you until he gets the mental help he needs. Not ONCE did Jack Gangwish apologize to that life he took. Not once did he apologize to the world for causing us grief. Nothing will change what happened to that poor creature and nothing will take away the pain we, the people, feel at the loss, but you have the power to tell the world this won't be tolerated and help stop Jack Gangwish from killing again.