Extremely shocking and unbelievable, no words coming forth at all, how could some people ever practice such cruelty please?
If you would like to find out more about donkeys, then please visit my Animal Facts Donkeys page.
In a lot of countries they are used as working animals. Often they are forced to do more work than their small bodies can handle.
And because they can be bought so inexpensively, they are very poorly taken care of. Because a new donkey is often cheaper than veterinary care, sick or injured donkeys are often tied to posts without food or water and left to die. It is also a very common for stray donkeys to get severely abused just for fun.
Quote from the above web site
Some restaurants in China offer fresh donkey meat where pieces of a donkey are sliced off for the diners, while the donkey is still alive. Diners are able to hear the donkey's cries of agony in the background.
Donkey Taxis
In countries like Spain and Greece, donkeys are used as "Donkey Taxis".
During the day they are exposed to very high temperatures with little or no shelter, food or water and are made to carry people that are too heavy for their bodies. At night, they usually get their feet tied together to prevent them from walking off.