Stop the sadistic act of sewing kitten's eyes shut!

Scientists at Cardiff University in Wales have conducted a particularly horrific animal experiment. They sewed shut the eyes of newborn kittens to “learn how the brain responds to sensory deprivation.” The same experiment—funded by public monies—also placed cameras in the kittens’ brains. 

This research is entirely frivolous. The differences between humans and cats are so considerable that research obtained this way will discover nothing that will save or improve human life.  A United States veterinarian has confirmed that the procedure was extremely painful for the kittens. 

Animal activists are understandably outraged, and celebrity actor Ricky Gervais is leading the charge.Gervais told the Mirror “I thought sickening experiments like these were a thing of the past.” Tell Cardiff University to stop conducting frivolous and sadistic experiments on animals!

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