URGENT Stop the beagle breeding facility being opened!

A new puppy farm has been given the go ahead in Britain, where puppies are specifically bred for animal testing. The facility will open in Grimston, near Hull, and will breed Beagles for vivisection ( cutting open a living animal to look at the insides). They are also bred for drug testing and other shocking and cruel experiments, that sees the Dogs made to inhale toxic substances (Like weed killer, pharmaceutical drugs and industrial chemicals) through masks. They are force fed through tubes, and are strapped in harnesses while being injected with drugs.

This farm will be The second facility In "great" Britain that breeds beagles, that will be later sent to labs where they will be cut open and experimented on while still alive. The other facility is in Harlan, Cambridgeshire, which sees more than 3,000 beagles sent to labs for animal testing each year.The farm which is owned by a US-firm, had previously been REFUSED by a planning inspector but this was overturned by the British Government a few days ago.

Sign this petition to persuade the government to reconsider and overturn the decision to grant planning permission for the beagle breeding facility, set to open in Hull. This decision went against the planning inspector's ruling which was to not grant this planning application. When this farm is opened, it will see hundreds of beagles sent to the labs to be cruelly experimented on and even killed.

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