Remove Eververse from Destiny 2

  • by: Maxwell M
  • recipient: Bungie, Inc., Activision

We the Guardians and community members of Destiny, Destiny 2 and, passionately invested in the game and platform created by Bungie, Inc. To date we have shared what can only be described as an abusive relationship over our beloved game. Though our issues are many, one issue in particular continues to be a source of scandal, controversy and shady business practices; Bright Engrams, Eververse, and the introduction of microtransactions.

We the community members, request not only a boycott of Eververse sales in game, but more importantly demand its willing removal by Bungie and Activision. Bright Engrams are little more than advertisements and free samples to entice players to buy in game currency for aesthetic, and practical items. This predatory tactic is not only inappropriate for younger players, who may or may not be mature enough to engage in a form of digital gambling; It is also a source of frustration for players that have been disappointed by numerous bugs, declining developer interest in the game, and a lack of transparency- as well as honesty- from the development team.

While we, the community members of Destiny, understand that Bungie and Activision are both businesses for profit; We urge the developers and corporate officials of our beloved Destiny that they consider the long term effects of their most recent scandal involving XP scaling, doubling the XP cap (...and then trying to hide it) with the hope of selling in game currency. When Consumer confidence in the product drops, so will the interest in the product. While we hope that this will not be the case we must caution the Developers and their backers that without the community, Destiny may not go on.

The Demands of this petition and this community are clear, remove microtransactions from the game, remove Eververse and Bright Engrams, and return the items held by them to in game earned rewards.

The Guardian Community of Destiny, Destiny 2 and

Update #16 years ago
Got a few signatures going now, share the link and help spread one, of many, petition far and wide #RemoveEververse
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