DEMAND CONSENT from military parent before moving out of state with minors while spouse is DEPLOYED!!!

While my son was serving overseas in Japan for the United States Marine Corps, my grandson (at the time he was 6 months old) got uprooted from California to Indiana without my son's knowledge or consent. He returned home to Camp Pendelton to an apartment that was cleaned out and vacated along with all of his personal belongings, military equipment, worse of all HIS CHILD. Not only was this heartbreaking for him to come home to, but it was morally wrong, yet COMPLETELY LEGAL FOR HER TO DO!!!
There needs to be a law put into place that makes it ILLEGAL to uproot a child while the other parent is deployed and serving their country unless given CONSENT.
We have been battling this for much too long now, as of today my grandson is 2 years old. He still resides in Indiana with his mother and for the past 6 months my son has been given visitations 3 days per month at 4 hours per day to reacquaint with him. He has not missed one visit. Now we are hoping he will be able to have longer visits in California now that he knows his daddy and loves him!
Even though this is slowly getting resolved, THIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO EVEN HAPPEN! A law needs to be put into place to protect our military men and women who are out fighting for our country!!!!

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