Stop the Reduction of Waiver Hours for Disabled Individuals in Indiana

  • by: Greg Buse
  • recipient: Indiana state government

The Indiana state government has been steadily reducing waiver hours for disabled individuals, pushing them into agencies that provide Personal Assistant (PA) hours due to the cost difference. This transition is creating severe upheaval amongst those who most depend on these services, turning their lives into even more complex. Such reductions in waiver hours limit the quality of care received, increasing health risks and undermining the quality of life of our fellow citizens.

There is a growing feeling amongst these individuals that they are being treated as mere statistics and sources of cost-reduction by the government. They have the same right to live a normal life as others. While PA hours might be more economical, it is crucial to consider the human cost of such decisions.

The state government must see the impact of their decisions on the lives of their disabled residents. It's high time they put people over budget lines. Therefore, we are calling on the Indiana state government to reverse this strategy and put in place measures that will preserve the availability of waiver hours for those who need them most.

Let's stand together and ensure all Indiana residents receive the care they need to lead dignified, fulfilled lives. Sign this petition to make a difference.

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