Justice for LBD, dragged behind truck, Knoxville, TN

  • by: Justice for LBD
  • recipient: Randy Nichols and the citizens of Knoxville:

Next court date February 2011 - we will update as soon as we have more information.

Please join the Facebook group site to keep informed of LBD's updated condition and to find out how the court case turns out -  http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=188423549216

We the undersigned urge the court in Knoxville, TN to give Jimmy Lovell, the man that dragged this small little female terrier miles behind his truck the maximum penalty for this horrific crime.  Do not let him go unpunished.  This dog suffered and is still suffering and will continue to suffer.  Mr. Lovell knowingly dragged this dog out of anger almost to her death.  We urge the court to give Mr. Lovell the appropriate punishment to fit this horrific crime. 

On Nov 3, 2009 Jimmy Lovell was arrested for dragging this little 17-pound terrier mix behind his truck on the streets of Knoxville,TN. This dog is now known as "LBD" (little brown dog). Authorities allege that Lovell dragged the dog for several miles behind his truck. Police were told that several people attempted to stop the driver before he stopped near Middlebrook Pike, got out, walked toward the back of the vehicle while cursing at the witnesses, jerked the dog off the ground, removed the rope from the truck, threw the bloody dog into the passenger side of the vehicle and drove away, the dog was found shortly thereafter on the side of the road, barely alive. In shock, LBD was rushed to the intensive care unit at the University of Tennessee's  John and Ann Tickle Small Animal Hospital with  horrific thermal burns from the incident but is a fighter said Dr. Patti Sura, small animal surgeon. Still in the intensive care unit of the college's  John and Ann Tickle Small Animal Hospital, the dog continues to get pain medication and has been under anesthesia as her wounds are cleaned and the dead tissue removed. 

Update Dec 1st : LBD had skin grafts on the pads of her feet  and they are healing on track.  LBD has a long way to go but she is indeed a fighter.  

We ask that Mr. Lovell receives the maximum punishment allowable for this heinous crime.  Anyone that would drag a defenseless 17 lb dog miles behind a truck deserves no leniency.  If it were not for the witnesses that forced him to stop and for the wonderful medical treatment she has received, LBD would be nothing more than another dead dog on the side of the road.  We must put a stop to this and all animal abuse and we urge everyone in the area of Knoxville, TN to go to court on December 11th in support of this sweet, brave angel known around the world at LBD! 

On Nov 3, 2009 Jimmy Lovell dragged this little 17 lb terrier for miles behind his truck, miraculously she survived and he has been charged with felony intentional animal abuse. 
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