STOP the Allen Brothers CREMATORIUM PROJECT from Being Approved in our Twin Oaks Valley Neighborhood!

Allen Brothers Mortuary, located at 435 North Twin Oaks Valley Road, has a pending permit with the City of San Marcos to approve a CREMATORIUM behind their existing facility. If this project goes forth, there are serious health risks that could affect YOU. Toxic emissions resulting from crematorium operation are known to increase the risk of respiratory issues and cancer. Odor impacts and black smoke are also known to be associated with crematoriums. Your signature is important in order to STOP this project from going forward.

Update #35 years ago
This update is to thank each of you for your active role in signing the petition to STOP the proposed crematorium at Allen Brothers Mortuary on Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos. You have made a HUGE difference regarding the outcome of this project. The applicant, Linda Allen, has WITHDRAWN her application. Together, as a community, we shared our concerns regarding this project, and Linda Allen has responded to us. Thanks again for your proactive support! We can now breathe a little easier!
Update #25 years ago

A public workshop on the crematorium is planned for sometime in late June/early July. There are only a few City Council meetings before the workshop is held. The next two are on May 28 and June 11. Please try to attend a meeting and speak during "Oral Communication" (5 minute max) to express opposition to the project. Also please send a letter of opposition to the City Council and Planning Commission. Email addresses can be located on the City of San Marcos website. Thank you!

Update #15 years ago
UPDATE on the crematorium. The City of San Marcos sent a letter to the owner of Allen Brothers Mortuary deeming the application as "complete". It appears that a public workshop is tentatively planned for May 2. As soon as we receive more information as to the time and place, we will update you. Please plan to attend the public workshop to voice your concerns. Also...PLEASE invite any neighbors or concerned friends to sign this application. This project does NOT belong in our neighborhoods.
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