Tell Republicans to join Democrats in condemning violence instead of promoting it

When Donald Trump was once again threatened by a potential assassin, Democrats across the nation were quick to condemn the act, and political violence overall. President Biden and VP Harris had statements out within minutes.

But when Nancy Pelosi's husband was viciously attacked by a hammer-wielding assailant, Donald Trump and other Republican leaders used it to get laughs at rallies, and fan the flames of even more violent acts. And they're praising the January 6th violent criminals as "heroes." In short, they're not fighting violence, they're trying to foment more of it.

Enough is enough. Republicans need to join with Democrats in condemning violence, and if they don't, they need to be called out, and where appropriate, prosecuted and jailed.

Please join with us, add your name, and tell Republicans to join Democrats in condemning violence instead of promoting it.

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