BLM Stop killing our lovEly wild west horses!
- by: Annie Conner
- recipient: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services
Last summer, conservationists filed a petition seeking Endangered Species Act protection for North American wild horses that are threatened with extinction.
According to Friends of Animals and The Cloud Foundation, tens of thousands of wild horses on federal lands across 10 western states from California to Montana are threatened with extinction.
Three reasons why Mustangs should be on the endangered list is 1. North American wild horses constitute a distinct population segment that has evolved as a native species over thousands of years separate from domesticated horses, The Salt Lake Tribune noted. However, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has clarified that today's wild horses are not native.
"American wild horses are descended from domestic horses, some of which were brought over by European explorers in the late 15th and 16th centuries, plus others that were released or escaped captivity in modern times," BLM wrote on their official Web site.
2. North American wild horses are threatened with extinction. As per Friends of Animals and The Cloud Foundation, mustang habitat has shrunk 40 percent since former U.S. President Richard Nixon signed the Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act into law in 1971.
3. North American wild horses are genetically different.
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