The Cat Islands of Japan might sound like paradise to any cat lover. But behind the cheerful pictures of calicoes and tabbies running free in an island paradise lies a more complicated truth.
Japan has 11 "cat islands"- small islands scattered around the the Japanese archipelago with small human populations but sometimes hundreds free-roaming cats. Many of their ancestors were brought by sailors in hopes that they would control the rodent populations but now its the cats' populations themselves that need controlling. Currently, on many islands they are allowed to run wild with almost no care or way of managing their birth rates. So while it may seem cute to imagine yourself surrounded by a "pride" of kittens, their are real repercussions to the felines' lack of care.
On many of the islands, the locals refuse to take care of their whiskered residents in any responsible way, rather they prefer to let nature take its course. Thus many die as kittens, weakened from upper respiratory diseases, and males often succumb to brutal injuries they incurred while fighting for territory or mates.
Those who brought the cats to these islands have already changed "nature's course". It is now time to be responsible caretakers of the cats who call these islands home and this means intervening and taking measures to control their populations and relieve their suffering by implementing a compassionate trap neuter and release program.
We don't want any harm to come to these cats, we don't want them to be culled. We simply want their lives to be better
and this means helping to control their populations with a responsible TNR program. Please join me and ask the Japanese government to mandate TNR programs on all cat islands. Let's help the local ecosystem and improve the lives of Japan's island cats all at once. Sign my petition.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe;
The “Cat Islands” are advertized as a cat paradise and they have helped to bring valuable tourist dollars to the island economies. But with the extra income the cats have brought comes more responsibility. The cats deserve to have healthier lives, free from disease and overpopulation. We are asking your government to implement a mandatory TNR program on all 11 “cat islands” so all residents, feline and human can thrive and live long fulfilling lives.
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